What’s new in version 75 The main changes are. Google Chrome for Windows and Mac is a free web browser developed by internet giant Google. Since this MSI installer is an offline installer, it doesn’t need any. It currently installs the latest Dev Channel build. This MSI installer is a full standalone offline installer of Chrome and only works in Windows operating system. Sesuai dengan namanya, file installer ini dapat kamu install tanpa memerlukan koneksi internet. The good news is that now Google has officially released an MSI installer of Google Chrome for Windows users. Free download Google Chrome 1.178 full version standalone offline installer for Windows PC, It is a fast and easy-to-use web browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web safer. Download Chrome offline installer for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Download Google Chrome 69 Offline Installers: In this article you will find direct download links to Google Chrome 69 Offline Installer for Windows, Mac. Download Google Chrome Offline Installer Terbaru Nah, sementara itu buat kamu yang segala aktivitasnya terbatas oleh kuota paket internet, kamu juga bisa lho download Google Chrome 64 bit ataupun 32 bit versi offline installer.